Friday, January 27, 2012

It's Gettin' Hot Out Herrrrrr

I've had this idea for awhile now. It took awhile to come to fruition because it took some research and monetary commitment. But, I went for it, as I suppose I knew that I would.

Believe it or not, it gets pretty cool some evenings in Redondo Beach. Being so close to the ocean means that things don't really heat up too hot during the day. That part is great. But, when the sun sets it gets a little cooler. And, to be honest, I'm acclimated to very small temperature fluctuations (aka thin blooded). So to keep Pergola-tory enjoyable at night, I put in a heater. It's a electric radiant heater that I hung from one of the pergola cross members with some bits of chain. I was a tad concerned that the Passiflora wouldn't be able to grow anywhere near it (for fear of flames), but I was able to touch the top of it which gave no indication that the unit was turned on. That made me happy indeed.

I plugged it in and it was warm really close to the heater, but with little difference from the seating. That may have been because it was 75°F outside when I hung it. I'll update once I get a cool night to test it...with a glass of wine in hand of course!

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