Friday, June 29, 2018

Super Scionic

The jaboticabas are looking good this time of year. I think we had one week where the high temperatures hit 80°F, but that weeks weeks before summer was even officially here. Since then it has been in the high 60's and low 70's and overcast until noon. The Plinia like it though, and it seems like the grafts that I first made on my original rootstock are all taking off now. A few like Grimal, spirito-satensis, phitrantha (possible Esalq), and Coronata var. Restinga are pushing serious leaves, which are stunning little branches. Trunciflora is lagging but I think it's starting to go. Paulista and edulis are the only two that I'm not sure about yet. Maybe they'll take, maybe not. I have gradiflora and aureana coming soon, so I'll graft those scions on to really make it a proper cocktail. Now that I know I can do it with high efficacy that only seems to be dependent on the species/variety, I'm excited more than nervous.

I recently lost all the leaves and maybe the whole aureana plant that I had. The thing never seemed to grow. Red and Blue are growing slowly again. I also picked up three small plants ( "Otto Andersen, Paulista açú", Dwarf Red  "Precoce", and Escalarte, and some seedlings  "Rosa de Pescoço" and "Polpa Roxa". If all of these grow large enough, the'll eventually make their way onto the cocktail tree. I have a second root stock that has the refrigerated scions on it. I'll use that as a backup for everything once I'm convince the original grafts are fully healed and the scions are branching.