Sunday, December 1, 2013

December Lights

It's amazing that the neighbors are cool with the glowing 8 ft obelisk behind my house. Maybe it's just Christmas cheer. Or, maybe they assume it's cannibis and the cops are going to show up. For the record, they're all Passiflora!

New Epidemic

I recently helped a local Passiflora FB friend add a few plants to her collection. She was kind enough to bring some Epiphyllum cuttings for me. I wasn't very familiar with that genus, but I soon became hooked. Moreover, I purchased a bunch more cuttings and plan to visit the local enthusiast group that meets monthly. There was a little floor space available in the greenhouse, so I decided to make use of it.

My collection now includes:

Kirby's Giant
Jesse's Tower
Canary Princess
Hidden Treasure
Sherman Brahm
Princess Kelly
Jungle Red
Tribute to Beauty
and a few Unknowns

Sweet Cirrhiflora

I noticed a yellow spot through the polycarbonate walls of my greenhouse this morning. I found the first Passiflora cirrhiflora bud of the second blooming this year opening part way. I waited a little later to take some pictures, and in doing that, I was rewarded with a sweet fragrance filling my little greenhouse. I really like the smell of P. x belotii, but this is even better. A photograph will have to suffice until that technology is invented. Obviously, there are more flowers to come!