Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Undead Orchid

A coworker of mine had an orchid at her desk last year. It was in bloom when she acquired it of course, but then it became little more than a few waxy leaves in some potting mix. Then, it lost its appeal and was neglected a bit, so it turned yellow and came close to death. So, after the greenhouse was built I offered to adopt the little plant with the understanding that I would bring it back to work if it should ever bloom again. I up-potted it, left it on the ground in the greenhouse where the filtered light would reach it (though I did give one of its leaves a nasty sunburn), and hoped the humidity would coax it back to life. And so it did rise with a few more leaves and eventually a little spike! The spike sprouted buds, and the buds opened with snow white blossoms.

The only thing is...I think it was pink last time it bloomed. I have a few things to learn about orchids evidently.