Saturday, March 24, 2018

Cloudless Spring Day

I went to a plant sale at the local botanical garden. There wasn't anything interesting there sadly. Succulents and roses and salvias and orchids of all the usual kinds were represented, but nothing exotic fruit related. I stopped by the Armstrong Garden Center on the way home, and they had much more stuff. I was tempted by a few things, but nothing was a "must have"...except this one little thing that jumped out at me. There was something weird about one of the yellow flowers on some unremarkable shrub. I gave it a second look and it was a caterpillar...that I pocketed. It took about 3 minutes of internet research to identify it as a cloudless sulfur (Phoebis sennae). Apparently they eat herbaceous legumes in particular Cassia, so I clipped a couple of pea plant sprigs, and we'll see if it wants to dine, pupate, and fly away.

Update: One day later my caterpillar is a crysallis. This species takes 12 - 14 days to emerge, so it will be a short wait if all goes well inside. Obviously there will be another update shortly.