Sunday, November 3, 2013

Greenhouse Growth

Well, the greenhouse that I built with my father this Summer is doing the job so far. In fact, Passiflora cirrhiflora is thriving better now than it did outside. It clearly likes the heat provided by the sun and a trash can full of water with a submersible aquarium heater inside and the humidity from a misting stand that emits daily. Of course there are other species and hybrids in the greenhouse from cuttings and seed alike, but the growth on P. cirrhiflora is extravagant. I should be seeing lots of fully form flowers by the end of 2013!

Saturday, November 2, 2013

New Nigradenia

I recently received an online auction Passiflora nigradenia. The plant came really fast through the mail, and when I opened the box I was surprised to find a blooming plant. I've never had a blooming Passiflora come through the mail, so this was a very nice and sweet-smelling surprise. It came in a tiny little pot that rapidly dried out so I up-potted it shortly after relocating it to the greenhouse. I'm excited to see what this one can do when the next growing season rolls around.