Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Absent August

So, worked called me away from home for a little over three weeks. I rigged up the pots in Pergolatory so that they'd get their water. Still, I worried that the heat of August (though not the same heat as I was experiencing in the desert) would slaughter my plants; especially my tacsonia passiflora, which are heat sensitive. However, much to my delight, they were all thriving upon my return. In fact, my new trisecta was clambering over its own trellis and on to the adjacent trellises. The thing smelled of tomato plants when i pried it's tendrilled grip free, but despite that fact, it's a keeper. I also noticed that it had bloomed (at night) during my leave, so hopefully it has a few more buds in it for me to witness opening for the bats. Trisecta was so overgrown that I was concerned that it had choked out antioquensis, but it was in there and obviously seeing sunlight. 

Parritae was my largest concern during the heat of the summer. But, it too is doing well. It's not so overgrown to the extent of trisecta, but it and it's pot-mate 'Mission Dolores' are winding their way upwards without any signs of distress. I've heard rumors that parritae will suddenly drop dead for no apparent cause, but to date she is spiraling toward the sky.

Even my decolobas are doing well. Holosericea, 'Manta', and 'Sunburst' are all doing well. And 'Jennifer Grace', co-potted with the former two, is wanting to bloom soon. I'm excited to see that for the first time. Racemosa has a few pink buds on it, and x belotii (the replacement plant) is doing just fine. The only plant having a hard time appears to be nephrodes. She's in a corner with exoniensis and 'Warmlands', and I think the pests from the neighbors' yard have been sapping her strength. I'll have to talk to them and request that they do something about their infestation on their night blooming jasmine.

All the fruits are still maturing much to my surprise. They sure do take a long time to ripen, but I'm hoping the wait will be worth the taste. Time will tell!