Saturday, September 7, 2013

In Memoriam: Passiflora 'Erl'

My very first original hybrid bloomed today!! It's P. Blue-Eyed Susan x P. Blue Bouquet or if you prefer ((P. incarnata × P. edulis) × (P. incarnata × P. cincinnata)) × (P. caerulea × (P. amethystina × P. caerulea))...all that. For short, I'm going to register it as Passiflora 'Erl'. I've had the name picked for quite some time; ever since I discovered these plants. I wanted to use my very first opportunity to register a hybrid in memoriam of the brother lost to someone very important to me and many others. He drove a baby-blue Mercedes, many years older than he, so in a way it seems fitting. To draw any more analogies would be disparaging. But, if this is the only hybrid that I'm able to contribute to the enthusiast and horticulturist community, then I'm proud that it has this name. I'll distribute it freely, and in my garden and in others P. Erl will live on.


  1. Beautiful hybrid! I would be interested in a clipping when they're available! charlie in spain at hotmail dt com


  2. I'll try to contact you when the plant is mature enough to survive the cutting process. If I fail in that, then I know I'll be posting about the cuttings, so stay tuned! Thanks for your comment and your interest!

  3. Hi Kyle, thanks so much for creating this hybrid and posting it to share with us. I would be interested in a clipping too if / when they'd be available... my email is jackiereneeparke at gmail dot com

  4. I'm getting married in October and if there is anyway to purchase even a couple of these flowers I would love to have them at my wedding. If there are clippings I'd love one too. I lived with Erl throughout college. Thanks so much.

    1. Hey Ari!

      I only noticed this now. CONGRATULATIONS on getting married! I'm so happy for you. I wish P. Erl was available but I don't think they were even in bloom at that time of year. I haven't gotten a clipping yet either. :)

  5. P. 'Erl' is starting to grow again now that Spring is here. I hope to take a few cuttings while it's in this phase and distribute them appropriately. Erl's mom and dad will get one and then anyone that new him personally as well. Hopefully after that I can send some to anyone that would like one. Thanks all for your words and interest. I'll get in touch with you when I have something to share.
